Sunday, September 24, 2006

Work in Progress

Wade's in the process of painting the house ~ a convenient Indian Summer heat wave was nice enough to cooperate! The new color is close to the old, but a little more blue than grey. He got about half the house done in one day, then took the boys bowling. Any bets on how sore he might be tomorrow??

Monday, September 11, 2006

First Day of School 9/5/06

Ready to go on the first day of school. Neil: 1st grade, Larry: 6th grade, and Alan: 5th grade.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor Day

Darling little Ella! We had a Labor Day BBQ today with Tyler & the girls (Anna wasn't feeling well). Here's Eleanor, a bit soggy from the sprinkler. Behind her is Uncle Wade.

Audrey playing on the deck ~ what a doll!
Here's Megan swinging on the Zip Line in our back yard. Note the green stripe that resulted from the pool leaking...otherwise it's as brown as can be! This was a very hot, dry summer for the Seattle area. Meg is now in 3rd grade ~ so beautiful & very grown up!

Here are 2 of my boys ~ their friend Alex is on Larry's computer. Alan's (10) on the left, Larry's (11) on the right. They are very excited for school to start tomorrow! I will post photos of the first day of school. Until then....