Wednesday, November 29, 2006

*~Snow in November~*

As usual, a couple inches of snow pretty much shuts us down around here. The kids are on their second snow day, and there are still abandoned cars scattered over the hill we live on. It has been so cold (in the teens at night) that ice is the main problem...great for sledding though, the kids are having a ball.

The view from Larry's window into the cul-de-sac. Neil's little friend Elias is heading over to our house to play. Not much snow left today....It's supposed to snow more tonight but warm up tomorrow, so that should be the end of our early snow adventure :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's the Crown Jewel of Woofie's Jello Cookbook....
Kids who used to be little and now are big ~ Kelli & Eric, home from college.

Wade & Roger, Gravy-masters ~ doing their part during the Gravy Drought of 06...

Hangin' at the Armstrongs! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, hope you did too. Thanks for everything and Gooble Gooble, Auntie Net-Net! (Yes that's GOOBLE, not GOBBLE....)

Boy Soup ~ Larry, Alan & Neil in Bill, Jan, Nelson & Elliott's hot tub on Thanksgiving Day.

Neil at his First Grade Thanksgiving Feast. They were served corn bread, corn chowder, pumpkin pie, and apple juice. Neil filled up on apple juice; the rest was DENIED.

That's it for now ~ Happy Thanksgiving! I took some pictures of our Three Amigos ~ the 3 raccoons that visit our porch each night and clean up the rest of Scratchie's cat food ~ but the camera isn't cooperating. Hope to have some pictures soon because they are so cute, and everyone is going to think I'm imagining them. Happy Turkey Day!