First lesson: Sleeping "puppy basket" style by the fireplace is a great way to stay warm. Also, when sleeping with 3 sons and a husband, don't serve chili for lunch.
Second lesson: If you will need to wake up at 4:00am and go to the bathroom in pitch black with nothing but a little candle to light the way, do not read Stephen King books at bedtime.
Third lesson: If you can see your breath inside the house, wear a hat, gloves and scarf to bed. Your family will laugh at you...ignore them!
One of our neighbors had a close call ~ this huge tree missed their house by a few feet. The roots on the left popped their driveway up like a piece of cardboard. All over our hill there are huge trees down, many of them crushing houses, cars and fences. The scariest were the trees that fell on power lines and were left dangling over the street....
Fourth lesson: It takes 2 days of putting on makeup by candlelight until you decide that it really doesn't matter if anyone sees you without makeup.
Fifth lesson: $5 candles from Safeway will light a room just as well as $30 Partylite candles.
Seventh lesson: Eating beanie weenie (cooked on a campstove), cookies and apple juice for dinner will make you queasy. Through the hill's grapevine, we heard that the neighborhood a couple streets up got together to make a cooperative bonfire and worked together to cook and share all of the food in their refrigerators before it went bad. After hearing that I felt really queasy. I bet none of their perfect kids were even fighting.
Eighth lesson: My kids will fight about anything if they're bored enough. Some examples that come to mind are: Who Gets to Lay by the Dog, Who Gets to Hold the Cheetos Bag, and His Leg is Touching Me.
Ninth lesson: As soon as you freak out, break down and spend $100 on Game Boy items to keep your kids occupied and not fighting, the power will go back on. In about 2 hours and 33 minutes, to be exact.
Tenth lesson: I am so lucky to have such a resilient and good-natured family. They hardly even complained at all. Of course, I complained enough to cover for them. Above all, we are lucky that this is not our house....