Neil and I hiked with my cub scout den on Saturday, up the Little Mt. Si trail. Every review I read about this hike emphasized that it's an easy trail,
even for young children. True - it was a piece of cake for our five 7-year-old spider monkeys, but it should be noted that middle-aged women who are out of shape will BARELY make it. Here's Neil at the top, still bubbling with youthful enthusiasm.

The boys taking a rest.

A nice view on the way up.

The dads brought energy bars, raw peanuts and raisins, survival knives, matches and first aid kits. I brought these chips...

The walk back DOWNhill was wonderful.

Our young mountain goats climbed anything that was remotely climbable.

Immediately after the hike, I took Neil to his friend Molly's birthday party. The girls are very intently watching the progress of the cake being carried to the table. Larry came too, because the birthday girl's brother is his good friend.

I remember thinking it was so funny as a kid to make a stupid face
right before an adult snapped a photo. Karma! My son thinks the same thing is a hoot. Of course, there were no instant online photo albums back then to show everyone how annoying I was. Too bad for Larry and his friends.