rudolph-neil & his gingerbread house

christmas eve at grandma mag's - jack adding to the mountain of gifts

grandma & megan

neil, joe, kelli, alan

annette, woofie, derb

darla making the oyster stew, while nick & brad "help!"

christmas morning... larry & alan's new lacrosse gear, handmade with love by santa's elves

larry amidst the christmas morning debris

dad wearing the new golf visor he got from carrie :)

alan's new seahawk jersey

natalie plays with her gift

larry with his new underwear on his head. gotta make sure it fits right...

neil playing his new wii game

more cousins at christmas - meg, audrey, larry

neil at the
cougar mountain zoo's reindeer festival


reindeer extreme close-up

we got rained on

neil & alan try out santa's sleigh

ow, quit it!

alpaca with grass on his head. they make me nervous because they always look to be seriously considering spitting in your face...

uncanny resemblance

all tired out ... time to nap on the dog-pillow. we hope everyone had a wonderful christmas!