Tuesday, December 19, 2006

This is News?

We finally got our power back today after it went out last Thursday night. November was a record-breaking month for rain. This left the tree roots unstable, and last week's windstorm pushed a LOT of them down. Being without power for 5 days was an experience I don't care to repeat; however I did learn many valuable lessons.

First lesson: Sleeping "puppy basket" style by the fireplace is a great way to stay warm. Also, when sleeping with 3 sons and a husband, don't serve chili for lunch.

Second lesson: If you will need to wake up at 4:00am and go to the bathroom in pitch black with nothing but a little candle to light the way, do not read Stephen King books at bedtime.

Third lesson: If you can see your breath inside the house, wear a hat, gloves and scarf to bed. Your family will laugh at you...ignore them!

One of our neighbors had a close call ~ this huge tree missed their house by a few feet. The roots on the left popped their driveway up like a piece of cardboard. All over our hill there are huge trees down, many of them crushing houses, cars and fences. The scariest were the trees that fell on power lines and were left dangling over the street....

Fourth lesson: It takes 2 days of putting on makeup by candlelight until you decide that it really doesn't matter if anyone sees you without makeup.

Fifth lesson: $5 candles from Safeway will light a room just as well as $30 Partylite candles.

Sixth lesson: Monopoly games almost always turn into a game of "Let's rip off Neil."

Seventh lesson: Eating beanie weenie (cooked on a campstove), cookies and apple juice for dinner will make you queasy. Through the hill's grapevine, we heard that the neighborhood a couple streets up got together to make a cooperative bonfire and worked together to cook and share all of the food in their refrigerators before it went bad. After hearing that I felt really queasy. I bet none of their perfect kids were even fighting.

Eighth lesson: My kids will fight about anything if they're bored enough. Some examples that come to mind are: Who Gets to Lay by the Dog, Who Gets to Hold the Cheetos Bag, and His Leg is Touching Me.

We were so fortunate to escape any damage, other than some minor fence crunching (which we're going to ignore and let the neighbor fix). This branch in our front yard was interesting, though ~ it was speared into the ground like a javelin. Glad I wasn't standing there. That could take an eye out!

Ninth lesson: As soon as you freak out, break down and spend $100 on Game Boy items to keep your kids occupied and not fighting, the power will go back on. In about 2 hours and 33 minutes, to be exact.

Tenth lesson: I am so lucky to have such a resilient and good-natured family. They hardly even complained at all. Of course, I complained enough to cover for them. Above all, we are lucky that this is not our house....

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Chief Howling Wind

Alan in a school social studies presentation ~ his class voted on which explorer actually discovered America. Columbus was there too, but had a wardrobe malfunction (his shirt was on backwards) during this photo shoot. It was determined that Alan and the other Native Americans were, in fact, the first people to discover America.


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

*~Snow in November~*

As usual, a couple inches of snow pretty much shuts us down around here. The kids are on their second snow day, and there are still abandoned cars scattered over the hill we live on. It has been so cold (in the teens at night) that ice is the main problem...great for sledding though, the kids are having a ball.

The view from Larry's window into the cul-de-sac. Neil's little friend Elias is heading over to our house to play. Not much snow left today....It's supposed to snow more tonight but warm up tomorrow, so that should be the end of our early snow adventure :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's the Crown Jewel of Woofie's Jello Cookbook....
Kids who used to be little and now are big ~ Kelli & Eric, home from college.

Wade & Roger, Gravy-masters ~ doing their part during the Gravy Drought of 06...

Hangin' at the Armstrongs! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, hope you did too. Thanks for everything and Gooble Gooble, Auntie Net-Net! (Yes that's GOOBLE, not GOBBLE....)

Boy Soup ~ Larry, Alan & Neil in Bill, Jan, Nelson & Elliott's hot tub on Thanksgiving Day.

Neil at his First Grade Thanksgiving Feast. They were served corn bread, corn chowder, pumpkin pie, and apple juice. Neil filled up on apple juice; the rest was DENIED.

That's it for now ~ Happy Thanksgiving! I took some pictures of our Three Amigos ~ the 3 raccoons that visit our porch each night and clean up the rest of Scratchie's cat food ~ but the camera isn't cooperating. Hope to have some pictures soon because they are so cute, and everyone is going to think I'm imagining them. Happy Turkey Day!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween 2006!

My little rat pets fighting over their maggot pasta dinner... they don't photo well, much more disturbing in person :)
Larry's award-winning costume :) This goofy clown outfit won him the class prize for best costume.
Neil with his Halloween booty! He was dressed up as Super Mario. Ruby the Hellhound had to stay in her crate during trick-or-treat hours, otherwise she'd escape and terrorize the neighborhood. Probably by leaving "treats" on the lawn.
Alan the Killer Zombie Doctor by our inflatable ghost decoration.

Alan again, on the right. On the left is his friend Nathan (aka. Alice Cooper!) They went trick-or-treating together.

Trick-or-Treat Gals

Audrey the fairy, Meg (Nancy Drew), and Eleanor the fairy. It is tough to be a fairy in 30-something degree weather without freezing. Ella made it for about an hour till her little lip was blue & quivering...

Oooga Booga.

Happy Halloween!

This year's Jack-O-Lantern display ~ note the adolescent touch of knives sticking out from them. How precious.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Happy 12th Birthday, Larry!

Fresh Paint & Ready to Haunt...

Wade wanted to make sure I followed up to let everyone know that he did actually finish painting the house! And a fine job he did... Just in time for a good dose of Halloween-izing. Here are a few scenes around the house; we also do lighting & sound effects, plus a fog machine :)

The entry is covered in a brick-pattern wall covering to look like a dungeon. Ruby the Hellhound fits right in... Ack, vultures in the birdbath!

In the end... it's all about the candy, baby.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Work in Progress

Wade's in the process of painting the house ~ a convenient Indian Summer heat wave was nice enough to cooperate! The new color is close to the old, but a little more blue than grey. He got about half the house done in one day, then took the boys bowling. Any bets on how sore he might be tomorrow??

Monday, September 11, 2006

First Day of School 9/5/06

Ready to go on the first day of school. Neil: 1st grade, Larry: 6th grade, and Alan: 5th grade.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor Day

Darling little Ella! We had a Labor Day BBQ today with Tyler & the girls (Anna wasn't feeling well). Here's Eleanor, a bit soggy from the sprinkler. Behind her is Uncle Wade.

Audrey playing on the deck ~ what a doll!
Here's Megan swinging on the Zip Line in our back yard. Note the green stripe that resulted from the pool leaking...otherwise it's as brown as can be! This was a very hot, dry summer for the Seattle area. Meg is now in 3rd grade ~ so beautiful & very grown up!

Here are 2 of my boys ~ their friend Alex is on Larry's computer. Alan's (10) on the left, Larry's (11) on the right. They are very excited for school to start tomorrow! I will post photos of the first day of school. Until then....

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Camping at Penrose, Aug. 18-20

Here's Ruby, "guarding" the campsite! The weather was hot, and the kids kept busy swimming, fishing, crabbing and their favorite activity, poking sticks in the fire.

Alan, his friend Kevin, Larry's friend Jacob, and Larry (can't put that Gameboy down!), sitting around the fire.

Neil and cousin Nelson goofing around... other cousins Elliott & Joseph were there too, but I didn't manage to get photos. It was a fun trip to squeeze in before school starts - only 2 weeks to go!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Alan had his first football practice today - here he is looking tough! They have a pretty rigorous practice schedule, every day for 2 hours until school starts. Larry has soccer twice a week and works just as hard.... he's in the top division this year and the coach keeps them busy with running stairs and lots of drills. I'm glad sports are starting up, it's nice to have them exercising and away from the TV and computer.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bandon Trip, July 31 ~ August 4, 2006

We just returned from a great trip down to Bandon, OR to visit my grandparents. We stayed at the beautiful Jetty House right on the beach with Tyler, Anna and their 3 girls. With 6 kids and 1 dog in the same house, it was lively. Pictured above, L-R back (Tyler was taking the picture): Uncle Dave, Aunt Cyndi (who DROVE from Wisconsin!), Carrie, Me, Wade, Larry, Anna with Eleanor, Grandma, Grandpa, Megan, then L-R front, Alan, Audrey and Neil.

This year we got to celebrate my grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary! Cyndi & Dave organized a nice luncheon at the Bandon Boatworks restaurant for family & friends. This is the happy couple, ready to cut the cake...

Carrie was able to make it too, even though she just graduated from the University of Oregon and is busy settling into "real life." Here she is on the dock in Old Town Bandon with the boys (notice how Larry, at 11, has already caught up to her in height!)

The weather was great - sunny, but the wind made it chilly at times. That didn't stop the kids from getting soaked or burying themselves in wet sand, though. They also enjoyed building campfires on the beach at night, dropping crab pots off the dock (we ended up with 3 crabs that were big enough to keep), exploring the shops in Old Town, and picking blackberries out behind their great-grandparents' house.

The last few photos were taken at the West Coast Game Park Safari, which Tyler & I have many fond childhood memories of. Neil really loved taking pictures and feeding the roaming animals (especially the goats!). We all got a laugh when we learned that the ugly, unfriendly and extremely ill-tempered baboon was named Larry :-)