Monday, September 17, 2007

cub scout mom & me camp

Neil and I went to Mom & Me Camp last weekend!
We had great weather to go with the beautiful scenery.

The cabin we shared with the 10 other mom & son pairs from our Pack.

Learning about trees on the nature hike.

Rehearsing for the campfire skit - Neil & Thomas are airplane pilots, in case you can't tell. :)

Making leather wallets at Arts & Crafts.

This is one of the hills they use for sledding at Winter Camp ~ it's good for running up and down when there's no snow!

Shooting guns ~ a skill no 7-year-old should be without.

At the archery range.

Neil's arrows...he did really well!

Moms getting through the obstacle course. Frances (on the left) is either laughing or screaming in pain, I can't remember which.

Mixing up ingredients for corn bread...

....which the Boy Scout leaders cooked in a dutch oven.
The Boy Scouts know how to make a FIRE

We were up in the clouds...

Our pack of boys

Ready to go home! Me sporting a fashionable unwashed ponytail, Neil with the glazed look of someone who just tried to sleep in a cabin with 20 people. Some of those moms snore like buzzsaws!

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