I'm sure the milkman loves delivering to us!

Wade & friend trying to get the fog machine going.

For those of you who go camping with us...we call this: Blooooody in the Woodshed, on a stick!

Larry went to a haunted house with some friends, and Neil went trick-or-treating with his cousins! Sorry about cutting your head off, Tyler.

Cutest. Lion. Ever. (Natalie, 6 mos.)

Neil at his class party

Alan hangs out with friends at the school party (as a giant banana looks on)

Alan, Nathan, Spencer & Michael head out trick-or-treating. I have NO idea what any of them are supposed to be.

Alan's friend Marianna trying to do the "Karate Kid" pose in her sumo costume.

Zach - Cereal Killer :)

Alan, Kevin and Zach (aka Paris Hilton)
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